Zapatlela! A Bollywood Musical Ventriloquist Version of Chucky

1 min readJul 30, 2021

Zapatlela is a Bollywood, romcom, musical, horror, comedy. The main character is named Laksha. Picture Jerry Lewis as a lovable (not actually lovable but intended to be lovable) goofball/village-idiot, ventriloquist with a giant Elvis pompadour, and a pair of bright yellow suspenders that he wears with every outfit. Laksha is in love with a young lady named Avade, but surprise, she has been promised, via an arranged marriage, to the town constable who she despises. Avade is in love with Laksha and they express their feelings in a colorful musical number featuring the two of them and Ardhavatrao, Laksha’s puppet. You heard me right, they dance and sing while Laksha flirt’s via proxy puppet.




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